Spring Cleaning with Purpose, Donate Clothes to Charity
As the season transitions to spring, it’s the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe and embrace renewal. Instead of letting your old clothes gather dust, consider donating them to make a positive impact. With Anglo Doorstep Collections, donating clothes becomes seamless and rewarding. We collect on behalf of charities that do not have charity shops or have the means collect donations and raise vital funding via this way.
Time for Spring Cleaning Your Home!

Spring signifies a time of growth, making it an ideal moment to declutter your wardrobe and cupboards. We all have the chair filled with clothes or a floor-drobe because the wardrobe is overflowing! Rather than discarding unwanted items, donate them through Anglo Doorstep Collections! This allows you to extend the lifespan of your clothes instead of letting them go to landfill and this all whilst supporting charitable causes.
Why Choose Anglo Doorstep Collections?
By choosing to donate your clothes to charity, you can contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry and a greener planet. Our convenient pickup service makes it easy to donate your clothes, eliminating the hassle of drop-off locations and ensuring your donations reach those in need. If your items are on our accept list, then we will collect them. We are never full!
Book Your CollectionYour Donations Make All the Difference to our Charities
Spring clean with purpose: We are partnered with a range of different charities, but none of them have the means of raising funds through donations. We are providing them with this opportunity. Your donations can make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families facing hardships and providing them with essential clothing items. This spring, let’s embrace renewal not only in our wardrobes but also in our actions. Donate your clothes with Anglo Doorstep Collections and join us in making a positive impact on our planet.
A little tip from us!
Have your Anglo Doorstep Collection pick up booked! This gives you a date to work towards for clearing out. Get a box or a bag ready and get it filled up in time for your collection. Then book your next doorstep collection.