Our Complaints Procedure

We aim to respond to all complaints we receive within 5 working days of receipt and aim to resolve the issue at your first contact with us. However, if further investigation is required or your complaint is more complex, we will confirm that we have received your complaint and the steps we are taking to investigate further. In such cases, we will provide a full response within 28 working days and will keep you updated throughout this time.

If we cannot resolve your complaint immediately or you are not satisfied with the response, we have three escalation stages.

Levels of escalation

Stage 1

If you are not satisfied with our response at your first point of contact, your complaint will be passed to the relevant Head of Department who will respond within 5 working days. If further investigation is required, we will let you know and will aim to a have a full response within a further 5 working days.

Stage 2

If you remain dissatisfied, your complaint will be passed to the relevant director, who will acknowledge your complaint as soon as possible, with a response being sent to you within 10 working days.

Stage 3

If you are still dissatisfied with the response given at Stage 2, then your complaint will be passed immediately to the Chief Executive who will acknowledge your complaint as soon as possible, with a full response being sent to you within 10 working days.

Fundraising Regulator

We promise to be honest, fair and open about our fundraising and are a member of the Institute of Fundraising and being registered with the Fundraising Regulator. We fundraise in a responsible way. We take it seriously if you don’t think we’re meeting these high standards and will always try to resolve your concerns through our complaints process. However, if we have not managed to address your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the fundraising regulator.

We work closely with the Fundraising Regulator to resolve any complaints that are raised with them.